TAUFIK, Muhammad

  • Menara Perkebunan Vol. 79 No. 2: 79 (2), 2011 - Articles
    Agensia hayati dan Arachis pintoi memacu pertumbuhan tanaman lada (Piper nigrum) dan mengurangi kejadian penyakit kuning Biocontrol agents and Arachis pintoi promote the growth of black pepper (Piper nigrum) and reduce the incidence of yellow disease
    Abstract  PDF
  • Menara Perkebunan Vol. 83 No. 2: 83 (2), 2015 - Articles
    Keefektifan beberapa teknik pengendalian untuk menekan intensitas penyakit busuk buah (Phytophthora palmivora) di lapang Several technique to control the intensity of cocoa pod rot disease (Pytophthora palmivora) in the field
    Abstract  PDF