Menara Perkebunan Vol. 74 No. 1: 74 (1), 2006 - Articles
Ekspresi fenotipe gen APETALA1 kakao (TcAP1) pada eksplan tembakau Phenotypic expression of cacao APETALA1 (TcAP1) in tobacco explant
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 77 No. 2: 77 (2), 2009 - Articles
Kloning gen LEAFY kakao dari jaringan bantalan bunga aktif Cloning of cacao LEAFY gene from the active flower cushions
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 79 No. 2: 79 (2), 2011 - Articles
The effects of seaweed fertilizer on the growth and productivity of upland rice, maize and oil palm grown in green house Pengaruh pupuk rumput laut terhadap pertumbuhan dan produktivitas padi gogo, jagung dan kelapa sawit di rumah kaca
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 76 No. 2: 76 (2), 2008 - Articles
Kloning dan karakterisasi gen penyandi inhibitor proteinase dari kulit buah kakao Cloning and characterization of gene encoding proteinase inhibitor of cacao pod wall
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