This is an outdated version published on 08-03-2016. Read the most recent version.

Pengaruh jenis penutup botol kultur terhadap pertumbuhan planlet kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Effect of different culture vessel closures on the growth of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) plantlets


  • Masna Maya SINTA
  • Imron RIYADI



Elaeis guineensis, microenvironment, in vitro culture


Microenvironment inside the culture vessel such as
temperature, light intensity, relative humidity, and aeration
affect growth and development of plantlets. This experiment
was conducted to determine the effect of different culture
vessel closures on microenvironmental conditions inside the
vessel and on growth of plantlets of oil palm. Shoots of oil
palm derived from somatic embryos were cultured on DF
medium for eight weeks in transparent culture bottles
covered with five different vessel closures e.i. screw cap with
plastic wrap, screw cap, plastic wrap, aluminum foil, and
autoclavable plastic. The culture vessels were placed in the
culture room with light intensity 20 µmol/m 2 /sec for 12 hours
photoperiod, at room temperature 26°C. Parameters
observed on plantlet growth were shoot height, biomass fresh
weight, leaf number, and leaf color grade, while on
microenvironment were temperature and light intensity. At
the end of experiment, the volume and fresh weight of the
remaining medium were measured to determine evaporation
rate of each treatment. Results show that the use of different
culture vessel closures affected the microenvironment inside
the vessel, the volume of the remaining medium, and the
growth of the plantlets. The closure increased the
temperature by 1.6 – 2.6°C and decreased the light intensity
by 1.7 – 8.7 µmol/m 2 /sec inside the culture vessels depends
on the culture vessel closures. Culture vessels with aluminum
foil closure had the lowest temperature (28.9°C) and the
lowest light intensity (10.8 µmol/m 2 /sec) gave the best result
in the growth of the plantlets. Better plantlets growth was
also observed in the culture vessel with autoclavable plastic
closure that less expensive, therefore it can be used as an
alternative vessel closure for the growth of oil palm plantlets.

Lingkungan mikro di dalam botol kultur seperti suhu,
intensitas cahaya, kelembaban nisbi dan aerasi mem-
pengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan planlet.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh
penggunaan penutup botol kultur yang berbeda terhadap
kondisi lingkungan mikro di dalam botol kultur dan
pertumbuhan planlet kelapa sawit. Planlet kelapa sawit asal
embrio somatik dikulturkan dalam botol kultur bening berisi
medium DF selama delapan minggu dan ditutup mengguna-
kan lima jenis penutup botol yang berbeda yaitu tutup ulir
dengan plastik wrap, tutup ulir, plastik wrap, aluminium foil
dan plastik tahan diautoklaf. Kultur diletakkan dalam ruang
kultur, di bawah lampu TL dengan intensitas cahaya
20 µmol/m 2 /detik dan suhu ruang 26 o C. Parameter
pertumbuhan planlet yang diamati adalah tinggi planlet,
bobot basah, jumlah daun dan kelas warna daun, sedangkan
lingkungan mikro adalah suhu dan intensitas cahaya. Pada
akhir eksperimen, volume dan bobot basah medium yang
tersisa diukur untuk mengetahui tingkat penguapan pada
setiap perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
penggunaan penutup botol yang berbeda berpengaruh
terhadap lingkungan mikro, volume medium tersisa dalam
botol kultur dan pertumbuhan planlet. Penutup botol
meningkatkan suhu 1,6 – 2,6 o C dan menurunkan intensitas
cahaya 1,7 – 8,7 µmol/m 2 /detik di dalam botol tergantung
pada jenis penutup botol yang digunakan. Botol kultur
dengan penutup berbahan aluminium foil mempunyai
intensitas cahaya terendah (10,8 µmol/m 2 /detik) dan suhu
terendah (28,9 o C) memberikan hasil terbaik pada pembesaran
planlet kelapa sawit. Pertumbuhan planlet yang baik juga
terdapat pada botol kultur dengan penutup plastik tahan
diautoklaf yang lebih murah, sehingga penutup ini dapat
digunakan sebagai pilihan untuk pembesaran planlet kelapa


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How to Cite

SINTA, M. M., RIYADI, I., & UMARYONO, . (2016). Pengaruh jenis penutup botol kultur terhadap pertumbuhan planlet kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Effect of different culture vessel closures on the growth of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) plantlets. Menara Perkebunan, 79(1).


