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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

E-Journal Menara Perkebunan


Manuscripts. The manuscript for Menara Perkebunan publication must be an original research result, technology development, or reviews on plant, microbial, and environmental biotechnology and their applications in agriculture, health, and environment as well as other aspects of biotechnology. The complete information of the manuscript must neither disseminated nor in the process of submission to any scientific publications and forums.

General rules. The manuscript must contain sufficient information on the part of methodology and result, respecting the reproducibility and repeatability concept in research.

Manuscript Format. The manuscript both in Indonesian or English are acceptable, accompanied by abstracts in two languages. The manuscript is written in A4 page size (margins 2,54 cm for top, bottom, left, and right), using Times New Roman font in 12 points, 1.5 space, and each page is numbered on the bottom right. The manuscript consists of: Title, Abstract (in Indonesian and English), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and References. Writing template can be downloaded at the following link: ==>> Download MP Writing Template

Title of Manuscript. The title must be concise, factual and informative which accurately reflects the content of the text and not more than twenty (20) words. If manuscript is written in Indonesia, the main title is in Indonesia (Times New Roman, 14pt, no capital, bold, centered, 1.5 space),     followed by the English title under the main title (Times New Roman, 12pt, no capital, italic, centered, 1.5 space), and vice versa.

Author names, institutions, and corresponding author. Author and co-authors names should be written in full name and not contain academic title. First and middle names are written in capitalize for first letter of each word(s) while last name is written in uppercase letters. Institution information should contain institution name, address, city, postal code, and country. Corresponding author contains an email address of author who is responsible for all stages of publication. Data of author names, institutions, and corresponding author are put below the title (Times New Roman, 12pt, centered).

Abstract. Consists of Indonesian and English abstracts. The number of words is not more than 250, containing the essence of all writing, including justification, objectives, materials and methods, results, and conclusions. If the manuscript is written in Indonesia, write the abstract first in English, and vice versa. (Times New Roman, 12pt, 1 space)

Keywords. Three to five keywords consisting of one word or a combination of words that indicate the main subjects in the script, and Times New Roman, 14pt, no capital, bold, centered, 1.5 space. Keywords are arranged in alphabetical order according to the language used in the manuscript (Times New Roman, 12pt). Keywords are usually not written in the title.

Introduction. The introduction contains the background and the objective(s) of your research. In this section, explain the research problem(s) supported by some literature, briefly mention how previous relevant studies have been done to address the problem(s), and clearly state the aim(s) of your study. (Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 spaces).

Materials and Methods. This chapterexplaining the materials and methods used in the research, described in briefly and clearly. The time and place of the research should be mentioned only for the research done in the field. (Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 spaces, and title of sub-chapters are written in italic).

Results and Discussion. Provide the main results, supporting results, and discussion of each sub-chapters. Some previous relevant studies need to be cited to support the research results. (Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 spaces, and title of sub-chapters are written in italic).

Conclusion. This part summarizing the results of the study and answering the objectives. (Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 spaces).

Acknowledgments. All Acknowledgments, including people, grants, and funds should be included. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.

References. References should be arranged alphabetically using American Physiological Association (APA) style 7th Edition. The literature used as reference should be actual library sources including journals, patents, theses, proceedings, and textbooks. Unpublished data should not be cited as literature. Literature used as a reference should be at least 80% of recent literature (published in the last 10 years) and maximum 20% of old journals and books. Some examples of references writing in APA style 7th edition are provided below:


Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I. M., & Murphy, A. (2015). Plant physiology and development (No. Ed. 6). Sinauer Associates Incorporated.


Putranto, R. A., Permatasari, G. W., & Saptari, R. T. (2022). The in-silico study of the COBRA gene family in sugarcane related to potential biomass content. Menara Perkebunan, 90(1), 40-50.

Edited Book Chapter

Zahrim, A.Y., Asis, T., Hashim, M.A., Al-Mizi, T.M.T.M.A., & Ravindra, P. (2015). A Review on the Empty Fruit Bunch Composting: Life Cycle Analysis and the Effect of Amendment(s). In: Ravindra, P. (Eds.), Advances in Bioprocess Technology (pp. 3-15). Springer, Cham.


Harni, R., Amaría, W., Ferry, Y., & Marhaeni, L. S. (2020). Effect of Trichoderma spp. and potassium fertilizer on Phytophthora palmivora infection in cacao seedlings. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 418(1), 2–11.

Information from the internet

Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries. (2021). Palm oil supply and demand outlook report 2022.

Scientific name. For the first time the text, the scientific name is written in full including the the inventor’s name. After that, it can be shortened to the initial letter. A name in Indonesian or the regional name, for the first time it must be accompanied by a scientific name.

Abbrevation and format number. Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter. Long chemical terms are abbreviated in accordance with applicable regulations, for example, DNA, RNA, ATP etc. The date cannot be abbreviated. Units of measure are written in full unless, if preceded by a number such as g, mg, or mL. Numbers in the text from zero to ten are written with letters, except those followed by units of measure written in Arabic numbers, for example 3 tons, 7 mL, and fractional numbers are written in decimal places. Write the unit mg L-1 not mg/L. Numbers with decimal fractions use comma (,) for Indonesian script and period (.) for English script. The number that represents thousands use period (.) for Indonesian script and comma (,) for English script.

Tables and Figures. Table and figure titles are kept concise and clear, written in Indonesian and English. The title of the table is placed on top of the table, and the title of the figure is placed below the relevant figure (Times New Roman, 10pt, 1 space). For easy editing, statistical graphics are accompanied by source data files (Microsoft Excel program). All tables must be referred to in text. Tables must be written in table format from Microsoft Excel (.xlsx). The table numbering is made sequentially. The title of the table is written briefly but completely. The title and head of the table use a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence. Vertical lines are not used. Footnotes use numbers with closing brackets and type superscripts. The * or ** sign is used to indicate the real rates at 5% and 1% respectively. If other real levels are used, use the additional symbol.

All guidelines for writing scripts can be downloaded at the following link : ==>> Download All guidelines for writing scripts

Submission and Selection Mechanism. The manuscript is uploaded on the e-journal Instructions on uploading the script and reviewing mechanism can be downloaded at the following link : ==>> Download the MP Manuscript Upload Instructions. All articles submitted to Menara Perkebunan must include “Author(s) submission statement form” ==>> Download Author submission statement form which was signed by all authors. The form must be sent to Menara Perkebunan: The submitted manuscript will be assessed by the Editorial Board. If the manuscript is in accordance with the mission of the journal, it will be reviewed by internal reviewer and Peer reviewer. The reviewed manuscript will be returned to the author for revision, and the author must send back the revised manuscript to the Editor within 7 days.

After Acceptance. Accepted manuscript will be processed for publishing, including copyediting, layout editing, and proofreading. The purpose of proofreading is to check for typesetting or conversion errors and the completeness and accuracy of the text, tables, figures. Substantial changes in content, e.g. new results, corrected values, title and authorship are not allowed without the approval of the Editor. The manuscript will be published online after receipt of the corrected proofs. This is the official first publication citable with the DOI.

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