AMANAH, Dian Mutiara
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 86 No. 1 (2018): 86 (1), 2018 - Articles
Pengaruh biostimulan terhadap toleransi kekeringan dan pertumbuhan tanaman tebu varietas Kidang Kencana di rumah kaca (Effect of biostimulants on drought tolerance and growth of sugarcane var. Kidang Kencana at green house)
Abstract 46-55 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 87 No. 1 (2019): 87 (1), 2019 - Articles
Physiological responses of bio-silica-treated oil palm seedlings to drought stress (Tanggap fisiologi bibit kelapa sawit yang diberi bio-silika terhadap cekaman kekeringan)
Abstract 20-30 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 87 No. 1 (2019): 87 (1), 2019 - Articles
Acclimatization and early growth of tissue culture-derived Stevia rebaudiana at low altitude area in Bogor, Indonesia (Aklimatisasi dan pertumbuhan awal Stevia rebaudiana asal kultur jaringan pada dataran rendah di Bogor, Indonesia)
Abstract 68-76 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 85 No. 1 (2017): 85 (1), 2017 - Articles
Pengaruh biostimulan terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman tebu varietas PSJT-941 [Effects of biostimulants on vegetative growth of sugarcane variety PSJT-941]
Abstract 37-43 Download PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 86 No. 2 (2018): 86 (2), 2018 - Articles
Biostimulasi pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) pada fase awal di lahan kering (Biostimulation of vegetative growth of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) in the initial phase on dry land)
Abstract 91-95 PDF