Menara Perkebunan Vol. 82 No. 2: 82 (2), 2014 - Articles
Evaluasi 18 primer SSR untuk pengembangan sidikjari DNA tanaman karet (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) Evaluation of 18 SSR primers to develop DNA fingerprint of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.)
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 82 No. 1: 82 (1), 2014 - Articles
Ekspresi gen penyandi ACCase subunit biotin karboksilase dari mesokarp buah kelapa sawit pada Escherichia coli Expression of gene encoding ACCase subunit biotin carboxylase from oil palm fruit mesocarp in Escherichia coli
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 81 No. 2: 81 (2), 2013 - Articles
Kloning cDNA lengkap penyandi ACCase subunit biotin carboxylase dari mesokarp kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Cloning of full length cDNA encoding ACCase subunit biotin carboxylase from mesocarp of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 78 No. 2: 78 (2), 2010 - Articles
Analisis sekuen DNA daerah 5’–EGAD1 dari buah kelapa sawit normal dan abnormal hasil kultur jaringan Analysis of DNA sequences of the 5’-flanking EGAD1 from normal and abnormal fruit from tissue culture derived oil palm
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 77 No. 1: 77 (1), 2009 - Articles
Kloning gen penyandi β-1,6-glukanase kapang secara cepat dengan teknik RT-PCR menggunakan primer spesifik Rapid cloning for gene encoding fungal β-1,6-glucanase by means of RT-PCR using specific primers
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 74 No. 1: 74 (1), 2006 - Articles
Aktivitas ACCase mesokarp kelapa sawit dan kloning fragmen gen penyandi ACCase subunit biotin karboksilase ACCase activity of oil palm mesocarp and cloning of gene fragment encoding biotin carboxylase subunit of ACCase
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 72 No. 2: 72 (2), 2004 - Articles
Ekspresi β -1,3 glukanase dan kitinase pada tanaman kopi arabika (Coffea arabica L.) tahan dan rentan karat daun Expression of β-1,3 glucanase and chitinase of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) resistant and susceptible against leaf rust disease
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 72 No. 1: 72 (1), 2004 - Articles
Kloning parsial gen penyandi enoil-ACP reduktase dari mesokarp buah kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Partial cloning of gene encoding enoyl-ACP reductase from mesocarp of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 68 No. 1: 68(1), 2000 - Articles
Nucleotide sequence of cryIA gene cloned from Btk isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis and comparison with cryIA(c) gene from B. thuringiensis subsp. kenyae Sekuen nukleotida gen cryIA dari B.thuringiensis isolat Btk dibandingkan dengan gen crylA(c) dari B. thuringiensis subsp. Kenyae
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 68 No. 2: 68 (2), 2000 - Articles
Transformation of Coffee arabica using chitinase gene and regeneration of planlets from transformed-zygotic embryos Transformasi Coffea arabica menggunakan gen kitinase dan regenerasi planlet dari embrio zigotik-transforman
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 75 No. 1: 75 (1), 2007 - Articles
Keragaman sekuen DNA fragmen gen penyandi ACCase subunit BCCP dari tiga tipe kelapa sawit Variability of DNA sequence of gene fragment encoding BCCP subunit of ACCase from three types of oil palm
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 84 No. 1 (2016): 84 (1), 2016 - Articles
Kloning dan karakterisasi daerah promoter gen penyandi ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase dari Metroxylon sagu rendemen pati-tinggi dan -rendah [Cloning and characterization of promoter region of ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase-encoding gene from Metroxylon sagu with high- and low-starch content]
Abstract 1-12 PDF Surat Redaksi dan Lembar penilaian -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 87 No. 2 (2019): 87 (2), 2019 - Articles
Regeneration of oil palm plantlets introduced by P5CS gene using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
Abstract 123-130 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 80 No. 2: 80 (2), 2012 - Articles
Isolasi dan mikroenkapsulasi vitamin E dari crude palm oil sebagai sumber antioksidan bahan pangan Isolation and microencapsulation of vitamin E from crude palm oil as source of food antioxidant
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 80 No. 2: 80 (2), 2012 - Articles
Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak kulit buah kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) terhadap Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, dan Staphylococcus aureus
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 78 No. 1: 78 (1), 2010 - Articles
Aplikasi biokaolin untuk perlindungan buah kakao dari serangan PBK, Helopeltis spp. dan Phytophthora palmivora Application of biokaolin in protecting cocoa pod from cocoa pod borer, Helopeltis spp. and Phytophthora palmivora infestation
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 77 No. 1: 77 (1), 2009 - Articles
Isolasi fragmen gen LIPASE dari kapang Absidia corymbifera, Rhizopus oryzae dan Rhizopus oligosporus Isolation of LIPASE gene fragment from Absidia corymbifera, Rhizopus oryzae and Rhizopus oligosporus fungi
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 80 No. 1: 80 (1), 2012 - Articles
Dinamika populasi Trichoderma harzianum DT38 pada campuran arang hayati tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) dan gambut Population dinamic of Trichoderma harzianum DT38 on mixture of empty fruit bunches of oil palm (EFBOP) biochar and peat
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 74 No. 1: 74 (1), 2006 - Articles
Ekspresi fenotipe gen APETALA1 kakao (TcAP1) pada eksplan tembakau Phenotypic expression of cacao APETALA1 (TcAP1) in tobacco explant
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 71 No. 2: 71 (2), 2003 - Articles
Embriogenesis somatik langsung dan regenerasi planlet kopi arabika (Coffea arabica) dari berbagai eksplan Direct somatic embryogenesis and regeneration of arabica coffee plantlets (Coffea arabica) from different explants
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 71 No. 2: 71 (2), 2003 - Articles
Transformasi kopi robusta (Coffea canephora) dengan gen kitinase melalui Agrobagterium tumefaciens LBA4404 Transformation of robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) with chitinase gene mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 80 No. 1: 80 (1), 2012 - Articles
Kloning parsial gen penyandi P5CS dari tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) Cloning of P5CS-encoding gene fragment from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.)
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 81 No. 1: 81 (1), 2013 - Articles
Mikropropagasi planlet tebu menggunakan sistem perendaman sesaat (SPS) Micropropagation of sugarcane plantlets using temporary immersion system (TIS)
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 84 No. 2 (2016): 84 (2), 2016 - Articles
Purification, characterization, and bioassay of putative protease inhibitors from Hevea brasiliensis latex
Abstract 76-87 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 87 No. 1 (2019): 87 (1), 2019 - Articles
Peningkatan hasil panen kedelai (Glycine max L.) varietas Wilis dengan aplikasi biostimulan tanaman (Yield improvement of soybean (Glycine max L.) var. Wilis by the application of organic plant biostimulant)
Abstract 1-10 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 74 No. 1: 74 (1), 2006 - Articles
Karakterisasi gen penyandi lipase dari kapang Rhizopus oryzae dan Absidia corymbifera Characterization of gene encoding lipase from fungus Rhizopus oryzae and Absidia corymbifera
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 88 No. 2 (2020): 88 (2), 2020 - Articles
Physiological responses and P5CS gene expression of transgenic oil palm plantlet induced by drought stress
Abstract 69-78 PDF