DARUSMAN, Latifah Kosim
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 73 No. 1: 73 (1), 2005 - Articles
Penggunaan spora cendawan mikoriza arbuskula sebagai inokulum untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan serapan hara bibit kelapa sawit Application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spore as inoculant to increase growth and nutrient uptake of oil palm seedling
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 71 No. 2: 71 (2), 2003 - Articles
Aktivitas fosfatase dan produksi asam organik di rhizosfer dan hifosfer bibit kelapa sawit bermikoriza *) Phosphatase activity and organic acid production in rhizosphere and hyphosphere of mycorrhizal oil palm seedling
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