Menara Perkebunan Vol. 83 No. 1: 83 (1), 2015 - Articles
Immuno-chemiluminescense detection of allergenic proteins from rubber gloves and natural rubber latex Deteksi protein allergen secara imunokimia dari sarung tangan dan lateks karet alam
Abstract PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 80 No. 2: 80 (2), 2012 - Articles
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting for detection of antigenic proteins from natural rubber latex Gel elektroforesis 2-dimensi dan imunobloting untuk deteksi protein antigen dari lateks karet alam
Abstract PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 77 No. 2: 77 (2), 2009 - Articles
Penggunaan enzim protease pada pengolahan lateks pekat DPNR sebagai bahan pembuatan sphygmomanometer Use of protease on the processing of concentrated latex DPNR as material for sphygmomanometer manufacturing
Abstract PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 71 No. 2: 71 (2), 2003 - Articles
Transformasi kopi robusta (Coffea canephora) dengan gen kitinase melalui Agrobagterium tumefaciens LBA4404 Transformation of robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) with chitinase gene mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 75 No. 2: 75 (2), 2007 - Articles
Produksi dan karakterisasi lakase Omphalina sp. Production and characterization of Omphalina sp. laccase
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 75 No. 2: 75 (2), 2007 - Articles
Optimasi pertumbuhan dan aktivitas enzim ligninolitik Omphalina sp. dan Pleurotus ostreatus pada fermentasi padat Optimization of growth and ligninolytic enzymes activity of Omphalina sp. and Pleurotus ostreatus using solid state fermentation
Abstract PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 84 No. 1 (2016): 84 (1), 2016 - Articles
Optimasi pembuatan membran chitosam dalam penurunan COD dan BOD POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent) [Optimization of the membrane production process to COD and BOD removal of POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent)]
Abstract 21-27 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 84 No. 2 (2016): 84 (2), 2016 - Articles
Purification, characterization, and bioassay of putative protease inhibitors from Hevea brasiliensis latex
Abstract 76-87 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 76 No. 1: 76 (1), 2008 - Articles
Optimisasi produksi biogas dari limbah lateks cair pekat dengan penambahan logam Optimization of biogas production from concentrated-latex effluent with addition of metals
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 68 No. 2: 68 (2), 2000 - Articles
Solubilization of insoluble phosphates by Aspergillus niger Pelarutan fosfat sukar larut oleh Aspergillus niger
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 86 No. 1 (2018): 86 (1), 2018 - Articles
Produksi imunoglobulin Y (IgY) untuk pengembangan metode deteksi dini kontaminasi okratoksin (Immunoglobulin Y (IgY) production to develop an early detection method for ochratoxin contamination)
Abstract 38-45 PDF Untitled -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 88 No. 1 (2020): 88 (1), 2020 - Articles
Bioconversion performance and development of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) on treated cocoa pod husk
Abstract 9-15 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 83 No. 2: 83 (2), 2015 - Articles
Optimasi pengomposan tandan kosong kelapa sawit menggunakan dekomposer bakteri lignoselulolitik skala komersial Optimization of decomposition of empty fruit bunches oil palm using lignocellulolytic bacterialdecomposercomposting in commercial scale
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 82 No. 1: 82 (1), 2014 - Articles
Eksplorasi dan karakterisasi bakteri aerob ligninolitik serta aplikasinya untuk pengomposan tandan kosong kelapa sawit Exploration and characterization of ligninolytic aerobic bacteria and its application in composting oil palm empty fruit bunch
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 89 No. 2 (2021): 89 (2), 2021 - Articles
Respons tanaman tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) terhadap aplikasi konsorsium biostimulan di tiga tipologi lahan
Abstract 100-114 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 72 No. 2: 72 (2), 2004 - Articles
Ekspresi β -1,3 glukanase dan kitinase pada tanaman kopi arabika (Coffea arabica L.) tahan dan rentan karat daun Expression of β-1,3 glucanase and chitinase of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) resistant and susceptible against leaf rust disease
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 68 No. 2: 68 (2), 2000 - Articles
Transformation of Coffee arabica using chitinase gene and regeneration of planlets from transformed-zygotic embryos Transformasi Coffea arabica menggunakan gen kitinase dan regenerasi planlet dari embrio zigotik-transforman
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 86 No. 2 (2018): 86 (2), 2018 - Articles
Biostimulasi pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) pada fase awal di lahan kering (Biostimulation of vegetative growth of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) in the initial phase on dry land)
Abstract 91-95 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 87 No. 1 (2019): 87 (1), 2019 - Articles
Pengaruh kitosan, mikroba antagonis, dan bakteri endofit dalam menekan perkembangan penyakit bercak daun pada bibit kelapa kopyor (Effect of chitosan, antagonist and endophytic bacteria in suppressing the development of leaf spot disease in kopyor coconut seedlings)
Abstract 41-51 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 88 No. 1 (2020): 88 (1), 2020 - Articles
Sintesis dan uji in vitro penghambatan nanokitosan-Cu terhadap pertumbuhan Fusarium oxysporum dan Colletotrichum capsici
Abstract 52-60 PDF -
Menara Perkebunan Vol. 68 No. 2: 68 (2), 2000 - Articles
Overexpression of chitinase gene with a GC-rich synthetic enhancer in tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Overekspresi gen kitinase dengan enhancer sintetis kaya GC pada tanaman tembakau (Nicotiana tabacum L.)
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Menara Perkebunan Vol. 87 No. 2 (2019): 87 (2), 2019 - Articles
Peningkatan hasil dan penekanan kejadian penyakit pada jagung manis (Zea mays var. Bonanza) dengan pemanfaatan biostimulan berbahan kitosan
Abstract 131-139 PDF